
Thursday, May 12, 2011

What is Sexually Transmitted Diseases? (Part-01)

Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another through sexual intercourse. A person at high risk of sexually transmitted diseases when having sexual relations with a multiple partner either through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. If not treated properly, the disease can have serious consequences for reproductive health, such as the occurrence of sterility, blindness in newborns, even death.

Common signs of sexually transmitted disease in men:
  • A pimple filled with fluid.
  • Blisters or ulcers on the genitals.
  • Wound does not hurt.
  • Hard and red on the genitals.
  • A wart or growth of meat such as chicken's comb.
  • Intense itching along the genitals.
  • Extreme pain when urinating.
  • Urine pus or foul-smelling blood.
  • Hot and painful swelling in the groin which is then turned into an ulcer.

Common signs of sexually transmitted diseases in women:
  • Extreme pain when urinating.
  • Pain in lower abdomen.
  • Expenditure mucus on the genitals.
  • Vaginal discharge white milk clotted and accompanied with itching and redness on the genitals or surrounding areas.
  • Whitish, frothy, greenish, smelly, and itchy.
  • A pimple filled with fluid.
  • Blisters or ulcers on the genitals.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What Foods that can Improve Memory?

Improving memory with food? Perhaps the first time we think of it is, is there any connection between the memories with the usual foods we eat? If we associate it directly, maybe it's a bit ridiculous. But let us see the effects in terms of food content. Turns out there are some substances that are believed capable of improving memory.

Some foods that can improve memory, among them are:

1. Egg, a source of protein. Egg yolks contain choline (a substance that can improve memory).

2. Peanut butter which was one source of vitamin E which are antioxidants that can protect nerve cell membranes. Together with thiamin, vitamin E helps the brain and nervous system in use glucose for energy needs.

3. Colored vegetables (such as tomatoes, kale, pumpkin, carrots, and spinach) are vegetables that are rich sources of nutrients and antioxidants that will keep brain cells strong and healthy.

4. Milk and Yogurt contains high protein and vitamin B which play a role in the growth of brain tissue, neurotransmitters and enzymes.

5. Some red or purple fruits such as blueberries, apples, grapes, and cherries. It's because the photochemical that colors them, anthocyanin, is the same photochemical that's good for brain.

Besides food, there are a few tips as well, such as:

1. Do sports that keep our stamina and adequate rest.

2. Memory training activities that can improve memory. For example, counting, doing crossword puzzles or quizzes.

I hope these quick tips cans be useful.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Properties of Honey?

Judging from its folic acid content, it is very good honey consumed by pregnant mothers. Folic acid is an essential nutrient for fetal growth. Honey containing folic acid may also reduce the risk of uterine cancer and heart disease.

Honey that given to babies who did eat and drink other than breast milk, can stimulate the growth of red blood cells and brain. Honey is also good for teething babies, because honey contains antibiotic that could inhibit the growth of bacterial decay. Mineral content in honey is beneficial for maintaining healthy teeth is as anti-bacteria in the mouth, maintaining the strength of enamel and dentin.

Honey can be used also as a cure liver disease and hepatitis. Glucose contained in it produces a white carbohydrate in the human heart which helps the liver as a filter and fighting toxins and bacteria inside, as well as maintaining the immune system from infection.

Honey is useful also for drugs down the heat, reduce nausea, indigestion, prevent inflammation of the colon, mouth sores, rashes, insect bites, and to maintain eye health.

  • Honey helps to increase the growth of bifid bacteria, which is a bacterium that is very important to maintain digestive health.
  • Helps inhibit harmful bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori, which can cause ulcers in the stomach
  • Effective in overcoming diarrhea, by helping the absorption of electrolytes and water, and can inhibit E. coli bacteria that cause diarrhea.
  • Helps facilitate bowel movements, so it can help overcome constipation.
  • Several studies have shown that honey can help with ulcers (sores) of the stomach and helps protect from the risk of gastric irritation caused by the consumption of alcohol and certain drugs.
  • Glycolic acid content in honey can help increase calcium absorption.
  • The content of nutrients in the honey like vitamin C, organic acids, enzymes, and phenol acids are useful as an antioxidant danflavonoid high.
  • Honey is composed of fructose and glucose are easily converted into glucose by the body's energy.
  • Honey has bactericide-nature, anti-allergic, anti-inflammation and thinning sputum (as cough medicine), all of which improve the body's defenses and repair damaged cells that attack disease. 

Please note also when taking the honey be sure the quality of honey that we drink, so honey is sterile and non-contaminated with bacteria

What Should We Do If Exposed to Severe Burns?

Affected organ burns (scalded for example) will issue its own body fluids to treat it. During the burn the skin tissue will be damaged (e.g. blisters). The best treatment is to simply flowed with water only about 15 minutes (but not use ice water, or soaking the feet in the tub, etc., due to temperature changes that occurred can lead to bad effect too), avoid the smearing with toothpaste or margarine because it can cover the skin and inhibit fluid coming out of the body and also could inhibit the medics to treat, toothpaste will usually only give it a cold sensation on the wound, but medically no effect on the skin who had blistered. Ointment that used is Bioplacenton, it is used for treatment of burns.

Friday, April 22, 2011

What Causes and Symptoms of Migraine?

Migraine is a headache that is felt only on the head only partially, or in certain parts only. Sometimes it is felt the throbbing pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and also afraid of light and sound.

Migraine is one of the diseases suffered by an estimated 25% of women and 10% of men worldwide. Statistically, women are three times more frequently affected by migraine than men and affect more adults in the age of 20 to 50 years.

Migraine is divided into four groups, namely:

Common migraine
Most migraine sufferers generally suffer from migraine this group, with symptoms such as throbbing pain on one side of the head with moderate to severe intensity. If it is severe, the patient cannot move because it always felt nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sounds and smells. The pain will go away within 4 to 72 hours.

Classical Migraine
This type of migraine is generally preceded by symptoms called aura, which is visually impaired like seeing wavy lines, bright light, and dark spots or cannot see objects clearly.

Other aura symptoms, is a sense of tingling or numbness in the hand. Most people cannot pronounce the words properly, felt numbness in the hand, shoulder, or face, or feel weak on one side of his body, or feel confused.

Patients may experience one or several kinds of symptoms, although not arise simultaneously. Symptoms generally occur 30 minutes prior to this pain, can be lost or survive until the pain in his head to attack.

Menstrual Migraine
Migraine is typically arising several days before, during or after menstruation. Migraine sufferers will know that what she was feeling is dealing with her menstrual cycle. The pain is felt, could be as common or classical migraine.

Migraine Complications
This type of migraine is often accompanied by nervous system disorders, such as numbness and tingling of the skin, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, inability to move arms or legs. Neurological symptoms can persist despite the migraine had been cured.

Migraine triggers factors:

- Consumption of certain foods
- Sleeping too much or lack of sleep
- Not eating
- Changes in weather or air pressure
- Stress or emotional distress
- A terrible smell or cigarette smoke
- A very bright light or reflection of sunlight.

Migraine sufferers should be cautious in consuming the food, because there are some foods that can trigger a migraine (although depending on the sensitivity of each individual), such as alcohol, caffeine, cheese, food additives.

As for some things that can relieve migraines, is rested. Due to their sensitivity to light, it is advisable to rest in a dark and quiet room. Stay away from the sources and the luminous light crowds. Settle down and try to sleep. Compresses the head with an ice / cold water (Compress the affected part with ice or cold water, to help constrict blood vessels). Stay away from migraine trigger factors. Warm your neck .Rest your neck bone, because the neck is one part of the body that works hard supporting the head. Fatigue in the neck can trigger head pain. During a break, try to warm the neck or give a little gentle massage), Drinking painkillers. There are a lot of painkillers in the form of analgesic, antipyretic and aspirin. A drug commonly used mainly is paracetamol, but do not take any medication, ask for a drug that has been recommended by doctors.

How to Keep Your Eyes Stay Healthy, Though Often in Front of the Monitor?

Perhaps the readers here have a habit of often being at the monitor. And How to keep your eyes stay healthy, though Often in front of the computer? The following tips may be useful:

Keep the distance between the eyes with a monitor view, the recommended distance is about 50-100 cm, and if the minimum limit we still have difficulty in reading, the font size should be enlarged so that we feel comfortable.

The use of CRD monitors (old monitor) should be replaced with LCD. It may also be added to screen anti-glare or anti-radiation glasses (especially for users whose eyes minus or cylinder)

Some monitors are now many provide pre-set display modes to allow users to change their screen settings. Set these settings to give different levels brightness, to adjust the conditions of use of the monitor.  So please adjust the monitor settings too.

Lighting of the room when using the computers must be arranged in such a way, that is, not too dim and not too glaring, set as comfortable as possible.

Sight is directed to a computer screen continuously can cause the eyes become tired and tense, which eventually became sore and watery eyes. For that, give time to rest the eyes for a moment. You do this by resting the eye 5 minutes every hour. You can leave the monitor for a while, or look the other way besides the monitor.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What Causes Nose Bleeds?

Nose bleeds is not a disease but a symptom of a disease, it means nosebleed can occur for a variety of reasons from mild to severe.

Nose bleeds is a symptom of blood discharge from the nose that can occur due to local abnormalities in the nasal cavity or because of abnormalities that occur in other places of the body. Local abnormalities can be traumatic for example scraping the nose, drop, hit hard, foreign object in the nose, and irritation that stimulates gas.

For other locales causes is an infection of the nose and surrounding organs, tumors whether benign or malignant, sudden environmental changes such as a sudden change in atmospheric pressure on the pilot and diver, a foreign object into the nose without permission, and other causes yet to be discovered by uncertain.

While abnormalities in other parts of the body that can cause nose bleeds, among others, heart and blood vessel disease such as high blood pressure and blood vessel disorders, blood disorders such as lower levels of platelets, blood clotting disorders, leukemia. Other disorders that cause a nosebleed that are the infection throughout the body, such as dengue fever, hormonal disorders and congenital abnormalities.

There are three principle of nose bleeds treatment, there are: stop bleeding, prevent complications and prevent the recurrence of nose bleeds. For mild bleeding, stop the bleeding can be done by pressing both nostrils into the middle for a few minutes. For severe bleeding and if stop the bleeding by pressing the nostril fails then the patient should immediately be brought to the doctor to get further treatment.

A frequent complication in patients with a nose bleeds is shock and anemia. Both of these complications occur due to bleeding that many do not overcome or too late to get treatment. Another complication is the reduction in blood pressure resulting from blood loss a lot.

But don't worry; experts say 90 percent of nose bleeds will stop itself immediately, while 10 percent require special measures. Provided that is not too late to get treatment, serious complications will not occur.