
Thursday, May 12, 2011

What is Sexually Transmitted Diseases? (Part-01)

Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another through sexual intercourse. A person at high risk of sexually transmitted diseases when having sexual relations with a multiple partner either through vaginal, oral, and anal sex. If not treated properly, the disease can have serious consequences for reproductive health, such as the occurrence of sterility, blindness in newborns, even death.

Common signs of sexually transmitted disease in men:
  • A pimple filled with fluid.
  • Blisters or ulcers on the genitals.
  • Wound does not hurt.
  • Hard and red on the genitals.
  • A wart or growth of meat such as chicken's comb.
  • Intense itching along the genitals.
  • Extreme pain when urinating.
  • Urine pus or foul-smelling blood.
  • Hot and painful swelling in the groin which is then turned into an ulcer.

Common signs of sexually transmitted diseases in women:
  • Extreme pain when urinating.
  • Pain in lower abdomen.
  • Expenditure mucus on the genitals.
  • Vaginal discharge white milk clotted and accompanied with itching and redness on the genitals or surrounding areas.
  • Whitish, frothy, greenish, smelly, and itchy.
  • A pimple filled with fluid.
  • Blisters or ulcers on the genitals.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What Foods that can Improve Memory?

Improving memory with food? Perhaps the first time we think of it is, is there any connection between the memories with the usual foods we eat? If we associate it directly, maybe it's a bit ridiculous. But let us see the effects in terms of food content. Turns out there are some substances that are believed capable of improving memory.

Some foods that can improve memory, among them are:

1. Egg, a source of protein. Egg yolks contain choline (a substance that can improve memory).

2. Peanut butter which was one source of vitamin E which are antioxidants that can protect nerve cell membranes. Together with thiamin, vitamin E helps the brain and nervous system in use glucose for energy needs.

3. Colored vegetables (such as tomatoes, kale, pumpkin, carrots, and spinach) are vegetables that are rich sources of nutrients and antioxidants that will keep brain cells strong and healthy.

4. Milk and Yogurt contains high protein and vitamin B which play a role in the growth of brain tissue, neurotransmitters and enzymes.

5. Some red or purple fruits such as blueberries, apples, grapes, and cherries. It's because the photochemical that colors them, anthocyanin, is the same photochemical that's good for brain.

Besides food, there are a few tips as well, such as:

1. Do sports that keep our stamina and adequate rest.

2. Memory training activities that can improve memory. For example, counting, doing crossword puzzles or quizzes.

I hope these quick tips cans be useful.