
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is There Danger Drinking Cold Water After Exercise?

Is there danger drinking cold water after exercise? No, it's not dangerous. but actually, drinking cold water is recommended but it have temperature limits. Generally cold water that consumed is absorbed more quickly by the body than plain water or warm water. American College of Sports Medicine also recommends consuming mineral water or the other cold drinks during exercise or after exercise. Research has shown that cold water can pass through the stomach faster. Therefore, the water will be delivered to the intestine and absorption in the body also becomes faster.

During and after exercise, a person would want to immediately replace body fluids lost through sweat. Therefore, consume cold water or cold beverages allowed. Another reason consume cold water is most people will feel better and allows them to drink more and more frequently. But there are limitations such cold temperatures. Do not get too cold. how cold is the water temperature that recommended? Cold water is referred to here is the cool water and ideal to consumption, besides that it has a temperature around 15 degrees Celsius. It is the same with a glass of water is added by 2-3 ice cubes. Cold water that meant here is not very cold water that comes from the freezer.

Noteworthy is at the time of drinking, if you drank a bottle of cold water at once after exercise, there is a possibility your head became dizzy, because the central nervous system is not ready to respond to the transition from hot to cold is too fast. It is recommended to drink cold water one or two sips and let our bodies adapt first, and we can drink it again.

The need to consume water during exercise is important and indispensable. When do those activities, the body fluids discharged more than usual through sweat, so that to prevent dehydration, a person needs to consume enough water. Another important thing that must be considered when working out is if in the midst of activity feel thirsty, then you must drink immediately.

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