
Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Properties of Honey?

Judging from its folic acid content, it is very good honey consumed by pregnant mothers. Folic acid is an essential nutrient for fetal growth. Honey containing folic acid may also reduce the risk of uterine cancer and heart disease.

Honey that given to babies who did eat and drink other than breast milk, can stimulate the growth of red blood cells and brain. Honey is also good for teething babies, because honey contains antibiotic that could inhibit the growth of bacterial decay. Mineral content in honey is beneficial for maintaining healthy teeth is as anti-bacteria in the mouth, maintaining the strength of enamel and dentin.

Honey can be used also as a cure liver disease and hepatitis. Glucose contained in it produces a white carbohydrate in the human heart which helps the liver as a filter and fighting toxins and bacteria inside, as well as maintaining the immune system from infection.

Honey is useful also for drugs down the heat, reduce nausea, indigestion, prevent inflammation of the colon, mouth sores, rashes, insect bites, and to maintain eye health.

  • Honey helps to increase the growth of bifid bacteria, which is a bacterium that is very important to maintain digestive health.
  • Helps inhibit harmful bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori, which can cause ulcers in the stomach
  • Effective in overcoming diarrhea, by helping the absorption of electrolytes and water, and can inhibit E. coli bacteria that cause diarrhea.
  • Helps facilitate bowel movements, so it can help overcome constipation.
  • Several studies have shown that honey can help with ulcers (sores) of the stomach and helps protect from the risk of gastric irritation caused by the consumption of alcohol and certain drugs.
  • Glycolic acid content in honey can help increase calcium absorption.
  • The content of nutrients in the honey like vitamin C, organic acids, enzymes, and phenol acids are useful as an antioxidant danflavonoid high.
  • Honey is composed of fructose and glucose are easily converted into glucose by the body's energy.
  • Honey has bactericide-nature, anti-allergic, anti-inflammation and thinning sputum (as cough medicine), all of which improve the body's defenses and repair damaged cells that attack disease. 

Please note also when taking the honey be sure the quality of honey that we drink, so honey is sterile and non-contaminated with bacteria

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