
Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Properties of Honey?

Judging from its folic acid content, it is very good honey consumed by pregnant mothers. Folic acid is an essential nutrient for fetal growth. Honey containing folic acid may also reduce the risk of uterine cancer and heart disease.

Honey that given to babies who did eat and drink other than breast milk, can stimulate the growth of red blood cells and brain. Honey is also good for teething babies, because honey contains antibiotic that could inhibit the growth of bacterial decay. Mineral content in honey is beneficial for maintaining healthy teeth is as anti-bacteria in the mouth, maintaining the strength of enamel and dentin.

Honey can be used also as a cure liver disease and hepatitis. Glucose contained in it produces a white carbohydrate in the human heart which helps the liver as a filter and fighting toxins and bacteria inside, as well as maintaining the immune system from infection.

Honey is useful also for drugs down the heat, reduce nausea, indigestion, prevent inflammation of the colon, mouth sores, rashes, insect bites, and to maintain eye health.

  • Honey helps to increase the growth of bifid bacteria, which is a bacterium that is very important to maintain digestive health.
  • Helps inhibit harmful bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori, which can cause ulcers in the stomach
  • Effective in overcoming diarrhea, by helping the absorption of electrolytes and water, and can inhibit E. coli bacteria that cause diarrhea.
  • Helps facilitate bowel movements, so it can help overcome constipation.
  • Several studies have shown that honey can help with ulcers (sores) of the stomach and helps protect from the risk of gastric irritation caused by the consumption of alcohol and certain drugs.
  • Glycolic acid content in honey can help increase calcium absorption.
  • The content of nutrients in the honey like vitamin C, organic acids, enzymes, and phenol acids are useful as an antioxidant danflavonoid high.
  • Honey is composed of fructose and glucose are easily converted into glucose by the body's energy.
  • Honey has bactericide-nature, anti-allergic, anti-inflammation and thinning sputum (as cough medicine), all of which improve the body's defenses and repair damaged cells that attack disease. 

Please note also when taking the honey be sure the quality of honey that we drink, so honey is sterile and non-contaminated with bacteria

What Should We Do If Exposed to Severe Burns?

Affected organ burns (scalded for example) will issue its own body fluids to treat it. During the burn the skin tissue will be damaged (e.g. blisters). The best treatment is to simply flowed with water only about 15 minutes (but not use ice water, or soaking the feet in the tub, etc., due to temperature changes that occurred can lead to bad effect too), avoid the smearing with toothpaste or margarine because it can cover the skin and inhibit fluid coming out of the body and also could inhibit the medics to treat, toothpaste will usually only give it a cold sensation on the wound, but medically no effect on the skin who had blistered. Ointment that used is Bioplacenton, it is used for treatment of burns.

Friday, April 22, 2011

What Causes and Symptoms of Migraine?

Migraine is a headache that is felt only on the head only partially, or in certain parts only. Sometimes it is felt the throbbing pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and also afraid of light and sound.

Migraine is one of the diseases suffered by an estimated 25% of women and 10% of men worldwide. Statistically, women are three times more frequently affected by migraine than men and affect more adults in the age of 20 to 50 years.

Migraine is divided into four groups, namely:

Common migraine
Most migraine sufferers generally suffer from migraine this group, with symptoms such as throbbing pain on one side of the head with moderate to severe intensity. If it is severe, the patient cannot move because it always felt nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sounds and smells. The pain will go away within 4 to 72 hours.

Classical Migraine
This type of migraine is generally preceded by symptoms called aura, which is visually impaired like seeing wavy lines, bright light, and dark spots or cannot see objects clearly.

Other aura symptoms, is a sense of tingling or numbness in the hand. Most people cannot pronounce the words properly, felt numbness in the hand, shoulder, or face, or feel weak on one side of his body, or feel confused.

Patients may experience one or several kinds of symptoms, although not arise simultaneously. Symptoms generally occur 30 minutes prior to this pain, can be lost or survive until the pain in his head to attack.

Menstrual Migraine
Migraine is typically arising several days before, during or after menstruation. Migraine sufferers will know that what she was feeling is dealing with her menstrual cycle. The pain is felt, could be as common or classical migraine.

Migraine Complications
This type of migraine is often accompanied by nervous system disorders, such as numbness and tingling of the skin, difficulty speaking or understanding speech, inability to move arms or legs. Neurological symptoms can persist despite the migraine had been cured.

Migraine triggers factors:

- Consumption of certain foods
- Sleeping too much or lack of sleep
- Not eating
- Changes in weather or air pressure
- Stress or emotional distress
- A terrible smell or cigarette smoke
- A very bright light or reflection of sunlight.

Migraine sufferers should be cautious in consuming the food, because there are some foods that can trigger a migraine (although depending on the sensitivity of each individual), such as alcohol, caffeine, cheese, food additives.

As for some things that can relieve migraines, is rested. Due to their sensitivity to light, it is advisable to rest in a dark and quiet room. Stay away from the sources and the luminous light crowds. Settle down and try to sleep. Compresses the head with an ice / cold water (Compress the affected part with ice or cold water, to help constrict blood vessels). Stay away from migraine trigger factors. Warm your neck .Rest your neck bone, because the neck is one part of the body that works hard supporting the head. Fatigue in the neck can trigger head pain. During a break, try to warm the neck or give a little gentle massage), Drinking painkillers. There are a lot of painkillers in the form of analgesic, antipyretic and aspirin. A drug commonly used mainly is paracetamol, but do not take any medication, ask for a drug that has been recommended by doctors.

How to Keep Your Eyes Stay Healthy, Though Often in Front of the Monitor?

Perhaps the readers here have a habit of often being at the monitor. And How to keep your eyes stay healthy, though Often in front of the computer? The following tips may be useful:

Keep the distance between the eyes with a monitor view, the recommended distance is about 50-100 cm, and if the minimum limit we still have difficulty in reading, the font size should be enlarged so that we feel comfortable.

The use of CRD monitors (old monitor) should be replaced with LCD. It may also be added to screen anti-glare or anti-radiation glasses (especially for users whose eyes minus or cylinder)

Some monitors are now many provide pre-set display modes to allow users to change their screen settings. Set these settings to give different levels brightness, to adjust the conditions of use of the monitor.  So please adjust the monitor settings too.

Lighting of the room when using the computers must be arranged in such a way, that is, not too dim and not too glaring, set as comfortable as possible.

Sight is directed to a computer screen continuously can cause the eyes become tired and tense, which eventually became sore and watery eyes. For that, give time to rest the eyes for a moment. You do this by resting the eye 5 minutes every hour. You can leave the monitor for a while, or look the other way besides the monitor.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What Causes Nose Bleeds?

Nose bleeds is not a disease but a symptom of a disease, it means nosebleed can occur for a variety of reasons from mild to severe.

Nose bleeds is a symptom of blood discharge from the nose that can occur due to local abnormalities in the nasal cavity or because of abnormalities that occur in other places of the body. Local abnormalities can be traumatic for example scraping the nose, drop, hit hard, foreign object in the nose, and irritation that stimulates gas.

For other locales causes is an infection of the nose and surrounding organs, tumors whether benign or malignant, sudden environmental changes such as a sudden change in atmospheric pressure on the pilot and diver, a foreign object into the nose without permission, and other causes yet to be discovered by uncertain.

While abnormalities in other parts of the body that can cause nose bleeds, among others, heart and blood vessel disease such as high blood pressure and blood vessel disorders, blood disorders such as lower levels of platelets, blood clotting disorders, leukemia. Other disorders that cause a nosebleed that are the infection throughout the body, such as dengue fever, hormonal disorders and congenital abnormalities.

There are three principle of nose bleeds treatment, there are: stop bleeding, prevent complications and prevent the recurrence of nose bleeds. For mild bleeding, stop the bleeding can be done by pressing both nostrils into the middle for a few minutes. For severe bleeding and if stop the bleeding by pressing the nostril fails then the patient should immediately be brought to the doctor to get further treatment.

A frequent complication in patients with a nose bleeds is shock and anemia. Both of these complications occur due to bleeding that many do not overcome or too late to get treatment. Another complication is the reduction in blood pressure resulting from blood loss a lot.

But don't worry; experts say 90 percent of nose bleeds will stop itself immediately, while 10 percent require special measures. Provided that is not too late to get treatment, serious complications will not occur.

How the Human Circadian Rhythm of Digestion?

Human Circadian Rhythm of Digestion is the human digestive cycle that is generally experienced within 24 hours or a day. This cycle is useful for us to know the process experienced by the body at any given time. So that we can adjust to the activity we are doing especially diet, because the diet is closely related to digestion. with the proper settings, it is expected that our bodies will be more stay healthy. 

The following is a Human Circadian Rhythm of Digestion or digestive cycle that is generally experienced by humans: 
  • At 04:00 until 12:00 is the disposal phase. This period is the schedule of detoxification with the disposal of toxins. Body intensively removes food debris and metabolic waste. People defecate outside of this time usually have digestive system problems. This cycle requires large energy. In This cycle we should consume lots of fruits and vegetables and not eating solid foods and weight because it would interfere with the intensity of the process of disposal, energy drain, and slow down the digestive process. 
  • At 12:00 until 20:00 is the digestion phase. This period is the period that is suitable for eating solid food sources of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. This is because during this cycle working digestion is more active. 
  • At 20:00 until 4:00 is the absorption phase. Not advisable to eat food at the top at 20.00 because the stomach must not be crowded with food at bedtime. During sleep the body works to absorb, assimilate, and distribute food substances. Lack of sleep at night will disrupt the cycle of absorption and energy drain. But it should also be integrated with the digestive parameters that can be felt by human related to hunger and satiety. 

Lastly, always use the principle of "eat when hungry and stop before full" so that we can keep healthy in digestive cycle.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Is There Danger Drinking Cold Water After Exercise?

Is there danger drinking cold water after exercise? No, it's not dangerous. but actually, drinking cold water is recommended but it have temperature limits. Generally cold water that consumed is absorbed more quickly by the body than plain water or warm water. American College of Sports Medicine also recommends consuming mineral water or the other cold drinks during exercise or after exercise. Research has shown that cold water can pass through the stomach faster. Therefore, the water will be delivered to the intestine and absorption in the body also becomes faster.

During and after exercise, a person would want to immediately replace body fluids lost through sweat. Therefore, consume cold water or cold beverages allowed. Another reason consume cold water is most people will feel better and allows them to drink more and more frequently. But there are limitations such cold temperatures. Do not get too cold. how cold is the water temperature that recommended? Cold water is referred to here is the cool water and ideal to consumption, besides that it has a temperature around 15 degrees Celsius. It is the same with a glass of water is added by 2-3 ice cubes. Cold water that meant here is not very cold water that comes from the freezer.

Noteworthy is at the time of drinking, if you drank a bottle of cold water at once after exercise, there is a possibility your head became dizzy, because the central nervous system is not ready to respond to the transition from hot to cold is too fast. It is recommended to drink cold water one or two sips and let our bodies adapt first, and we can drink it again.

The need to consume water during exercise is important and indispensable. When do those activities, the body fluids discharged more than usual through sweat, so that to prevent dehydration, a person needs to consume enough water. Another important thing that must be considered when working out is if in the midst of activity feel thirsty, then you must drink immediately.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why Men and Women Think Differently?

Structurally, both men and women are created equal. They have exactly the same organ, such as heart, lung, liver, kidney, and brain. The difference is only in reproduction. The functions of each organ in men and women are equal to. But why men and women think differently? Is there anything to do with their organ?

The only organ that maybe related to why men and women think differently is the brain. What is the difference of their brain structure? See the picture below.

This picture shows the white and gray matters in men and women. In general, men have approximately 6,5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. What does it mean?

Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of (or connections between) these processing centers. That is why in general men can think more logically while women think more emotionally.

The other differences of men’s and women’s brains are the structure. Here is the explanation:

Men's brain structure:
  • Approximately 10% larger than women's. This is because of men's larger body size. More muscle cells imply more neurons to control them.
  • Larger inferior parietal lobule concerned with multiple aspects of sensory processing and sensorimotor integration. Its size correlates highly with mental mathematical abilities.
  • Parts of the parietal cortex, which is involves in space perception, are bigger, as is the amygdale, an almond-shaped structure that responds to emotionally arousing information to anything that gets the heart pumping and the adrenaline flowing.

Women's brain structure:
  • Possesses a greater density of neurons in parts of the temporal lobe cortex associated with language processing and comprehension.
  • Larger Broca's and Werinicke's area in the frontal and temporal lobes related to language are larger. This is a biological explanation for female ability in language-associated thoughts.
  • Parts of the frontal cortex, the seat of many higher cognitive functions, are bulkier, as are parts of the limbic cortex, which is involved in emotional response.

Effect of these structural differences lead to differences in senses, perception, interpret events and experiences, making decisions, and resolve an issue. That is why men and women think differently.

What Causes Paresthesia (Pins and Needles)?

Paresthesia, is a sensation of tingling, pricking, or numbness.  It is more generally known as the feeling of pins and needles or for some cases it is like  part of the body sleep apart. What causes paresthesia?

Paresthesia, or we commonly called it tingling, most often occurs because the body position is wrong or strained muscle. This is because the nerves or blood vessels depressed. So their work was disrupted and tingling arise.

When tingling happens, how to remove it is not difficult, just move the part of the body that tingling or massage it to fix the blood flow in that part. But if the sense of tingling is not gone for a long period of time, or it is spread to others part of the body, check to the doctor immediately. Because it may be a sign of the more serious disease like Diabetes Mellitus or neurological disorder.

To prevent tingling, try to avoid position that suppress the body's nerve and blood circulation. It should also maintain good posture, for example by avoiding bending legs or arms too long. When sit down, don't be too often crossing legs because it will inhibits blood flow and can cause tingling. To ensure that no frequent tingling, do routine exercise, control the foods, generate the consumption of foods that contains vitamin B1 which is the iron element that are found in red meat, fresh green vegetables, grains and others.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Should We Do Premarital Medical Check-Ups?

Marriage is an event that makes life happy. It is so beautiful and special event for the bride, so that the event will be prepared earnest. Therefore, it is desirable to prospective bride to enter a health examination before marriage activities into a series of marriage preparation. For some people, tracing the family medical history, especially the family of the prospective spouse is still considered a taboo. In addition, the fear of the bride wedding will be cancelled in case of examination found a particular disease or disorder.
To get rid of the fear and the supposed taboo, we need to know the purpose and benefits of premarital medical check-ups. The purpose of premarital medical check-ups is to take precautions against congenital disease possibility from each family, which must be addressed with wisdom. By knowing as early as possible the health condition of each prospective bride, it will be easier to do prevention efforts that may cause abnormalities to the offspring or miscarriages.

Here are several benefits derived from premarital medical check-ups:
  1. Know the status of the health condition of the couples in general.
  2. If there are health problems, it can be addressed.
  3. Helping to prepare mentally for the prospective bridegroom.
Premarital check-ups include:
  1. Hematology analysis (examination of hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, cell counts, etc.)
  2. Peripheral blood picture, to knoe the disorder of blood diseases, such as Thalassemia trait.
  3. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, to determine the inflammatory process.
  4. Blood type and rhesus factors, to determine the possible blood type of the baby.
  5. Urine routine, to monitor kidney function and urinary tract.
  6. Fasting glucose, to determine Diabetes Mellitus.
  7. HBsAg, to know of any liver disease (Hepatitis B).
  8. VDRL, to determine the existence of syphilis disease.
  9. TORCH (for the prospective woman bride), to detect the infection by parasite Toxoplasma, Rubella virus, Cytomegalo virus, and Herpes virus, which when attacking a pregnant woman can cause miscarriage, abnormalities in the fetus, and premature births.

Why We Shouldn't Drink too Much Before Meal?

Maybe for us, a drink before the meal is already a common thing. Most reasonable way to relieve a dry throat and for digestion becomes more fluent when eating. But we need to be careful, do not drink too much! Why?

The first reason why we shouldn't drink to much before eating is that we will lose our appetite for a full stomach, especially if we drink that taste.The second reason is more scientific, if we drink too much a moment before eating it will make the process of absorption of food by the enzyme becomes increasingly difficult. It takes about half an hour for water to flow from the stomach into the intestines. Enzyme absorption of food has to work harder because where they to work became flooded by the water we drink before.

For advice, we should drink plenty of water carried out at least one hour before meals. Or better, schedule it regularly. But the best is to try to drink as often as possible but with a little dose.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Why My Body Sometimes Suddenly Shaking?

These things sometimes happen to someone. Suddenly, body or part of the body is shaking. But this is different from the conditions of shaking from the cold. In this case, the trembling of the body is called with tremors.

Tremor is the shaking movement caused uncontrolled muscle contraction. Vibration frequency ranged 4-12 times per second. Tremor may occur in almost all parts of the body, for example at the tip of the hand or leg, waist, the face, even the vocal cords. Yet most often occur on the hands. Symptoms that are most easily seen is people's hands shaking when lift something.

Viewed from the cause, the tremors could arise due to various things. Feelings of excessive emotion can cause tremors. People who are frightened or nervous, also can be shaking. These include the type of normal physiological tremor experienced by humans. This tremor will disappear by itself if the emotions had calmed down.

There are tremors that occur because of illness, such as tremors in Parkinson's patients. Tremors caused by the disease cannot be lost if the cause is not addressed first. These include Rest Tremor, the vibration occurs only when patients do not do anything. Conversely, if the patients were on the move, the vibration does not appear.

Other type of tremor is tremor iatrogenic that occured because the side effects of drugs.

the exact cause that still unknown is essential tremor. Whereas patients with this type of tremor is most numerous. These included into the Action Tremor which means that the vibrations will arise if the patient is doing and will disappear if the patient is in a state of rest or no activity.

Tremor could also be caused by hyperthyroidism.

How to Fatten the Body?

For some people, lack of weight became a problem. So they try to put on weight or fatten the body. To gain weight or fatten the body needs to be done by the right way. The practical way by reproduce portions continuously and uncontrollable is not an appropriate solution, because it can cause negative effects, especially for the digestion.

Try to balance the nutritional food. Choosing the right foods is very important in order to fatten the body because the food is a source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that enter the body. To gain weight, one must increase the consumption of calories. They should consume excess calories in order to leave some calories be stored as fat when the others calories are burned on normal activity.

The good foods for consumption are including vegetables, fruits, nuts, flour, meat, seafood, poultry, and eggs. to remember, not all kinds of good food to put on weight because now many canned foods, especially foods that contain saturated fat and cholesterol that are not good for health.

Please do exercise regularly! Adding weight does not just dwell on the problem of food but also how to build muscle that contains and healthy. Muscle strengthening exercises and fat burning routine is the best way to gain weight because this activity will regulate how fast / slow you burn what you eat.

To be able to gain weight healthily, do more regular exercise so that your muscles will be enlarged rather than muscle decreasing while fat increasingly thickened.

Do not be too pushy self. Although eating foods that contain lots of calories is recommended by many experts, but we should not force myself to eat it too. People who want to gain weight is recommended to consume at least 300 to 500 calories per day.

If possible, do exercise regularly every day is less than an hour. Small movements do not really need the time. When we do this exercise, prioritize on the part of certain parts of the body, such as strengthening the arm muscles with weights, strengthening abdominal muscles and so forth. Experts believe that by doing exercises on a specific area on the body will make us pay more attention to those body parts. By doing light exercise, you don't have to burn too many calories that you have consumed. In addition, this mild exercise also makes our bodies are not too tired to activity.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What is the Effects of Hearing Music Through Earphones?

If you enjoyed listening to your favorite music with high volume, actually there is research that says that it has a positive impact. According to research conducted at the University of Manchester, there is evident that the greater the sound of music that we hear, the greater our pleasure. It is caused by the vestibular system, which is responsible for balance but also cause vibration. When the sound wave is sent, it also sent a positive message to the brain. According to researcher Neil Todd, it is the influence of primitive acoustic sense we are connected with basic desires such as sex or hunger.

But do not forget, that the high volume to hear music also has a negative impact quite dangerous to the health of our ears. The negative impact will be felt quite diverse as echo ears until the inability to hear and as yet known how to prevent it.

The fact there is said that the sound power of the clubs and rock concerts could reach up to 125 decibels. Though, mild strength voice for adults only 25 to 40 decibels, while for children 20 to 40 decibels. Strength of the heaviest sounds that are still quite safe for the human ear is 90 decibels. Figures 85 decibels for eight hours is still considered safe, but if it increases up to 88 decibels, we should prune up to half an hour. Besides the danger hear loud music in clubs or rock concerts, there are also dangers posed by the listening habits of portable music players, such as MP3 players and I-pod are wearing earphones or headphones.  These habits can also make ear injury. Based on research, It will be devastating when using earphones for five hours a week, this can cause permanent damage to the ear. The impact is not going to be felt in the near future, but one day listening skills can be lost. Even according to nine researchers from committee on emerging and newly indentified health risk of hearing loss due to too often listen to music with earphones will be felt in the mid of 20s.

Although quite a lot of negative impacts gained from high-volume to hear music, there is still many people ignore the impact that it receives, because the music will make brain cells more stimulated so that it can eliminate the tedium and boredom from routine. Therefore, if we love to hear high-volume music is better to use a special ear protectors can reduce the music volume without ruining the sound quality. Or if love to hear music through earphones, we should choose a design that is safe and able to block some sound output without lowering quality.

How do Energy Drink Affects Your Body?

How do energy drink affects your body? Energy drinks is a kind of soft drinks that contain caffeine and other stimulant substances such as ephedrine, guarana, and ginseng. This drink does not contain more calories than soft drinks, but is believed to increase stamina for those who drink it.

The content of energy drinks consists of an artificial sweetener, flavor enhancer, dye, phosphoric acid, caffeine and some minerals. Beside that, energy drinks also features the amino acid taurine and carnitine that are needed for the body in the process of metabolism. It also contains bee pollen, royal jelly and spirullina algae or chlorella.

Vitamins that are contained in energy drinks such as B-complex, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, biotin, and ginseng. Vitamin B-complex useful in the formation of red blood cells / erythrocytes. Vitamin B1 for nerve nutrition, B2 to prevent chapped lips, vitamin B3, vitamin B5 panthotenic acid is good for hair growth while niacinamide vitamin B6 is needed in pregnant women who experience vomiting or morning sickness.

Caffeine increases the body's metabolic rate and stimulate neurotransmitters that a person becomes not sleepy, not tired, and to make someone easy to think clearly. That's why after every drink energy drinks, the body feels more comfortable and tiredness disappear. But behind that complete contents, if we drink energy drinks every day, will be bad for health. What is it?

Benefits or effects of energy drinks is only temporary. In one bottle of energy drink volume of 150 ml, contains 50 milligrams of caffeine. In accordance with the limit of safe consumption of caffeine per day is 150 milligrams. When exceeding the threshold above, the body that excess of caffeine will lead to insomnia, body shaking, spasms, heart palpitations and excessive stomach acid and trigger ulcer or gastritis.

Because of that the people with heart disease, hypertension, stomach ulcers and diabetes should not drink energy drinks. While in healthy people, is fine. Work liver became much more severe in the presence of stimulant ingredients in energy drinks. Direct toxicity will occur within hours and be fatal with death. While the indirect effects of toxicity caused by accumulation of long-term liver damage is very widespread are slowly but surely.

Work is also increasingly severe kidney in the presence of substances sweeteners, preservatives and dyes in energy drinks. Kidney heavy work to filter toxic materials will result in tired kidneys, which resulted in damage primarily in the kidney tubules and glomeruli and ended with chronic renal failure. Patients with chronic renal failure there is no other way but to undergo dialysis or hemodialysis (HD). Even if the HD is less successful, patients must undergo a kidney transplant which was exorbitant cost.

In addition to chronic renal failure, calories are so high in energy drinks will trigger the occurrence of metabolic syndrome or obesity, the problem of excess weight, especially in children and also in adults. So, be careful to consume beverages in bottles called energy drinks. A bottle in a week, may still be safe. Do not be a habit every day, which will result in serious and fatal. Eliminate habits that wants all-round instant.

When tired just direct straight drinking energy drinks to energy recovered instantly, one bad habits and no patience to train us all. Actually tiredness will go away by itself, so we just need to rest. No need a versatile instant, try to be patient in all things, thus our organs would be saved from fatal damage. Hopefully a lesson for all of us who care about the health of the body. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Is Drinking Coffee Twice a Day will Causing Sleep Disturbance or Not?

One of my friends has a habit of drinking coffee two times a day. This time he was having trouble sleeping disorders. is there any relation between drinking coffee two times a day with the occurrence of sleep disorders? Can we have a habit of drinking coffee, but still be able to sleep regularly?

Caffeine is one of the alkaloids which are found naturally in foods, for example in coffee beans, tea, oil seeds and fruits brown. Caffeine in coffee serves as a stimulant compounds which are not alcohol. Compound caffeine can affect the central nervous system, muscle and kidney. Effect on central nervous system is to create conditions which prevent drowsiness, increased sensory perception, and speed up thinking, improve the working of the brain and reduces fatigue. Effects occur in the brain which will appear in 2 hours, so caffeine does not give direct effect to its drinkers.

Drinking coffee can stimulate the stomach to release gastric acid more than the normal amount. Copious gastric acid will cause gastric disease. Two small cups of coffee to stimulate spending stomach acid for more than 1 hour. Someone who drinks coffee while eating will also increase the removal of calcium from the body.

So, for suggestion, we should have coffee and sleep schedules on a regular basis. We recommend drinking coffee in the morning and afternoon or evening and do not drink coffee at night to prevent the occurrence of insomnia. Give the distance with a meal. Drink coffee around 1-1.5 hours after a meal.

Suggested caffeine consumption should not exceed 50 mgr per one-time drinking. If the consumption of caffeine is not in accordance with the recommendation, then in its long-term drinkers may be exposed to the risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney, until the sugar disease. Dose of 100 mg caffeine can delay sleep even though the impact is felt which may vary for each individual. As much as 150-250 mg of caffeine can reduce fatigue, stimulate the sensory organs, and can increase the body's motor activity. As much as 200-500 mg of caffeine can cause headaches, body shaking and feeling anxious / nervous. Excessive caffeine consumption can cause caffeine intoxication, which is high on caffeine. Some symptoms of intoxication are restless, worried, insomnia, cheerful, red face, frequent urination and problems gastrointestinal. These symptoms can occur even if a person consumes only 250 mg caffeine / day.

Additional: according to the association of international athletes, caffeine is already on the list as a doping prohibited. To maintain fitness may not only with coffee. A good lifestyle is more advanced, such as regular exercise as well as prevention of addiction to coffee.